
Monday, January 15, 2007


In the past, conference calls could be made through a telecommunication company who offered this service for a fee. Today, conference calls could be hosted using the internet and thus save costs on a phone bill. There is also a possibility video conferencing where you can use a video camera to sell a product, perform a product demonstration or even conduct a seminar.

Conference calls are used by nearly all United States public corporations to report their quarterly results, usually also allowing questions from stock analysts. These are called earnings calls. The format of the call begins with a disclaimer stating that anything said on the call may be a forward looking statement, and results may vary significantly. The CEO or CFO, or the Investor Relations officer then will read a report on how the company did that quarter. Finally the call will be usually opened up for questions from analysts.

Party line
Conference calls can be used for entertainment or for social purposes, such as the party line. People call in to a specified telephone number which allows them to talk to others, serving as a way to talk to and perhaps subsequently meet new people. Conference calls are most commonly used by businesses.