
Monday, January 15, 2007


This site contains language of truth about making money online, told in no-nonsense fashion that may not be suitable for anyone who is under the age of 18, or anyone who has frequently been referred to by others as a “sissy”, a “crybaby” or a “loser”.

If U are any of the above, leave this site now by clicking on the appropriate button below..

However, if U are open-minded and interested in potentially making enough money to change your pathetic life, enter your name and email below to gain access to my infamous website. Many of those who have come before U are now living the life U dream of. Will U be next??! I doubt it… But maybe U’ll be one of the few who proves me wrong.

Conference Call Services

Audio Reservationless conferencing
With conference calling service, you have access to your own private conference room – anytime and from anywhere. No more pre-scheduling of a call or having to talk to an operator. Begin a call immediately with no prior planning. To start a conference, simply dial your toll or toll-free phone number that you were assigned when you signed up and then enter your participant entry code. You will be connected to the call and join the other participants.
Web Conferencing
Web conferencing platform allows you to combine provider audio service to provide a seamless online web conference. We provide a simple application for you to share a PowerPoint presentation or you can share documents with participants. You can also choose to use just the web service without provider audio.
Operator Assisted Conferencing
If you call requires a live, professional introduction Operators are here to help. Provider can make introductions to your participants, monitor your call to help with question and answer sessions and set up back door lines with the chairperson to be available to help answer any questions that may arise during the call.
Large Event/Quarterly Earnings Release Calls
Provider handle many of the Fortune 500 companies’ earnings calls. Operators are specifically trained on these various types of corporate calls. We are prepared to handle any size call that you need customized.
For more information on these types of calls please contact us at 1-866-271-5612 or click here to fill out your request form.

Affordable Conference Calls

Practical, Affordable Web ConferencingEasy-to-use and quick to implement, Affordable Conference Calls (ACC) Web Conferencing is designed for everyday use by people of all skill levels. Widely deployed by Service Providers, Equipment Vendors and Enterprises, Our web conferencing works as a standalone service or can be combined with our Audio service to create a more comprehensive communication solution.
High value, Low-Cost - ACC
Web Conferencing delivers the features you want – presentation/document sharing, application sharing, polling and chat. There are no cumbersome downloads and advanced planning is not required. The web conferencing service is accessible anytime, anywhere from any computer with an Internet connection.
Different Plans for Different Needs - ACC
Provides several meeting plans, including Per Minute Usage and Unlimited Meeting Rooms. You can choose the plan(s) that represent the best price/value combination for your needs. Click here for rate plans.
Stretch Your Sales and Marketing Resources Further - ACC
Web Conferencing provides you with a cost-effective selling solution for delivering top quality marketing webinars and product demos with nothing to download. Our flexible web and voice conferencing solutions enable you to reach more prospects, accelerate the sales cycles and close more business faster. Affordable Conference Calls provides your sales team with a powerful, practical and affordable way to use web conferencing to meet with prospects, deliver interactive presentations, demo new products, share applications, and more ...all from your desktop.
Web Conferencing Features
A High impact productivity tool, ACC delivers the features necessary for a successful online meeting and can be readily used by people of all skill levels.

How It Works

You conduct your conference calls without making a reservation or using an operator. Inform everyone that you want to join the call of the time to call in, along with the phone number and participant entry code. (This is given to you on your confirmation card). All of the participants dial that telephone number, enter the entry code and then they are automatically entered into the conference call. The call will begin when the chairperson (the person hosting the call) enters the conference call. There are no labor expenses involved, saving you both time and money.

Getting Started
Simply logon to provider website and go to the
Sign Up/New User section. You will be asked to enter your contact information and select the type of credit card you will be using for payment. Immediately after you enter this information we will send you a confirmation page to your email address listing your conference call phone number and entry codes.
Attached to the confirmation email will be instructions to all of the available features you can use with AffordableConferenceCalls.com.

How to Use the Service
Invite your participants to the call and give them the phone number and participant entry code that has been assigned to your account.
All Callers call in using the same number.
All Participants use the same participant entry code.
These codes are permanent and will not change.
Conferencing service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and does not require any scheduling or operator intervention.
You will not need to make any phone calls to setup your call.
The chairperson’s entry code is the key that unlocks the call so unless the leader is present, participants cannot speak amongst themselves. This is a built-in security feature.
The chairperson’s entry code is to be used only by the chairperson and therefore should be not be given out. The chairperson’s entry code activates the call.
We recommend the chairperson dial into the conference call a few minutes prior to beginning the call in order to moderate the call and eliminate any possible confusion.
All you have to do is invite the participants to your call, let them know the date, time, phone number and their participant entry code to access the conference call.

Online Loans

An online loan might sound like a convenient way to manage your money, or you might be a bit confused and worried about the processes involved.

The benefits of online loans
Lenders who do not have branches and only offer online loans are generally cheaper than high street banks and building societies. This is because they have fewer overheads and can pass their savings directly to their customers. Some high street banks also offer online loans, which work in the same way. You might benefit from a deal that offers a lower interest rate if you pay your instalments by direct debit and receive statements by email rather than post.
If you have access to the Internet, online loans can be a lot more convenient as well as being cheaper. You can make transactions and pay your bills from home or work, and you can phone the bank if you have any problems. Online loans are completely safe, as long as you don't reveal your passwords or PINs to anyone, including bank staff. When you log on to your account, make sure the website address begins with 'https:' – this means you are entering a secure site.